Post Thread | Rules & Informations

It is forbidden to put advertisements and redirects on download links.
If the rules are not followed, the thread may be locked, deleted or disapproved!

You can use these codes while sharing topics.
● [thanks] link [/thanks] - User must like the topic to see the message
● [reply] link [/reply] - User must reply to the topic to see the message
● [replythanks] link [/replythanks] - User must like or reply to the topic to see the message
● [replyandthanks] link [/replyandthanks] - User must like and reply to the topic to see the message
● [charge=1] LINK [/charge] - User must pay credits to see the message | Replace the 1 with the amount of Credits it should cost
"You recive 100% of the Credits if someone buys the access to the message"

For more styles to customize you message make sure to check out our BB Codes Page.
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